Association Yam-pukri

Partnership Projects

- IDEAL BURKINA In collaboration with CTA
- ARDYS, In collaboration with CTA

- Agripol, In partnership with the CTA/BVDM

- BURKINA-NTIC,Sharing network on ICT in Burkina with IICD

- FASO INITIATIVES ; Portal on development in Burkina Faso

- WAGUES TV ; Video portal on Burkina with MAE ; FRANCE
- FASO-ONG ; Portal site on NGOs in Burkina Faso with TdH ; Yam Pukri

- Démocr@TIC, Project on the use of ICTs by CSOs in the field of democracy with the United Nations Fund for Democracy.

- Training of young people in computer science with TdH Geneva

Initiatives specific to Yam Pukri

- Museum of ICT : space devoted to ICT and its evolution ; Innovative and current solutions.
- Training and Incubation of young people to facilitate their integration into the labor market
- Art and ICT
- Business Holidays Project

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